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Singles Offer + New Customs

Hello Everyone! Got some updates to pass along until next week when more breaks will get posted. Still not feeling 100% after last week and going to recover a bit and get back to normal next week. Here's what you can check out in the meantime!

Lots of new singles have hit the site over the last couple weeks. MLB, NFL, NBA, and WWE have all been added and there's over 550 singles to browse right now.

Launched some new packages on the site in case you want your own custom cards made up. There's 3 different packages plus a coach's package if you have a team you'd like to buy for. Just get me photos and stats and I'll take it from there!

Lowered all of the pro Custom Cards to $4 per card. Added a few new designs as well! I'll be going back through and re-doing some stuff and making other designs better. Learned a lot over the past few months and can do better on a lot of these.


No Breaks until next week (8/26-ish). Pro Debut and Pristine are coming 8/30. I'll have those posted next week as well.


Due to Wix (site provider) no longer supporting the reward program that runs Break Points (Smile), the Break Point program will expire on August 31st, 2024.

Before expiration, I'll save a copy of everyone's balance and do my best to make sure those that have some points banked up will receive something in it's place.

I'm still deciding if I want to figure out a new solution, however, I may be switching back over to Shopify and if so, I would have to find another one anyway. Stay tuned on any possible new reward programs!


After next week, the plan is going to be hosting Live Nights that will be personal and retail rips, Singles, Customs, Trading, Raffles and fun stuff. I'll still do new product breaks but the live nights will take the place of a lot of the filler breaks. We'll still do Mixers as well.

A bigger goal for the site will be getting more singles to the site, and more often. So I'll be looking to trade break spots for cards too. If you have anything you want to trade for credit or other cards, please let me know. I'll still be looking for lots and stuff too but will be adding trading for credit to the options as well. A lot of people have asked about this so I'm hoping it helps keep things fresh.

Another part of getting singles for the site will be from left over break spots. Rather than doing big discounts at the end of the nights to fill the break, any unsold teams will just go to "the house" and most stuff will be available right away.

Thanks everyone and see you next week!

-- Aaron B


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